I remember as a kid I was always fascinated by the look of the cars that were built in the 1940’s, 50’s and 60’s. The shape and design gave each one it’s own personality. I never would have imagined that I would one day make a living off of them the way I do. Using cut up sections of those old brilliant chrome bumpers, I reshape and weld their pieces into larger than life sculptures, preserving their essence.
It is true that some of these old cars have been restored and most likely added to a car collection But what about the ones we sometimes see off in those distant fields as we travel? The ones that no longer work? The old loners that have been sitting in the dirt through all those years of heat and cold? Now, sitting there with their windshields broken out and bodies full of bullet holes; What is their fate? As time goes by the majority of them will be gathered up, smashed in a mobile compactor, chopped to pieces, then melted down in a foreign land. The essence of what they once were or what they once represented is lost and it’s body returns as a cheap wrench from your local hardware store. The first time the tool is used it usually breaks and is thrown away... A pretty sad epitaph for such an awesome machine the way I see it.
As an artist, when I’m alone out there among my latest finds, cutting off the bumpers of these old iron beasts, I think about the tales they might tell from their hey-days. I can imagine the first day they rolled off the car lot just purchased by someone who scrimped and saved to finally buy that brand new, shining, big powerful machine. As my torch rips through the metal sometimes I’ll hear a dog barking , a train passing or the howl of the wind, but the cars always sit like silent sentinels, some rest alone, others clustered together. I envision them as old buffalo that never completely decayed and crumbled into the earth again; different herds of steel buffalo—Pontiacs, Chryslers, Chevys, and Buicks—that all ran together on their prairies of concrete and asphalt.
Am I like the scavengers that came along and gathered their remaining bones to be hauled off to the glue factory? Or by giving them back their dignity through a reinterpreted form of physical artistic expression—a welded sculpture containing bits and pieces of their still recognizable original element—do I become a preservationist? I believe the second theory to be true. Whether it’s a 14 foot rearing stallion or an imposing Knight on a Horse, I feel that through the reinterpretations I’ve created over the years I’ve preserved their strength and style like a monument to their dignity.

Sean Guerrero's chrome sculptures can be seen all over the country and in Colorado. He has many pieces on public display in Crested Butte, Colorado, including a dragon & knight as well as the large chrome horse at the Center For The Arts that welcomes visitors to town, several benches, and an eagle head that over the years has been sandwiched between some growing Aspen trees. Make sure to keep an eye out!
You can also view his chrome sculptures year-round at the sculpture garden at Mabuhay, found on Elk and 4th in the heart of Crested Butte:
404 Elk Ave, Crested Butte
Colorado 81224 MAP »
Thursday, September 29 – Sunday, October 2, 2016
Sean Guerrero's horse sculpture and other work will also be on display in the main hangar at the Telluride airport during the Telluride Cars & Colors Festival, a world-class automotive celebration set against the spectacular September foliage of the San Juan Mountains. Learn more about the car show:
Facebook Car Show Page »
Carsandcolors.com »
August – September 2016
238 East Colorado Avenue MAP »
From now until the car show, you can see Sean Guerrero's larger-than-life chrome horse sculpture at the US Bank in Telluride at 238 East Colorado Avenue.